Monday, 28 September 2009

... jet bomb plot gang

All human society wants to live in peace and security, whatever the race or colour, region or religion. Even the thought of participating in mass murder or creating a human catastrophe, on any level, is an act of madness and criminality, regardless of the reasons behind it.

The gang who planned to explode liquid bombs on transatlantic flights were doing just that. We are all appalled how someone or some people could think of such a criminal act, and refuse to take into consideration the consequences of their actions;

... Creating a man made catastrophe resulting in mass murder, fear and terror, hate and revulsion, and pitching one community against others. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in a famous hadith: “Whoever lays down a good tradition, he would have its rewards and the rewards of those who would follow that good tradition. And whoever lays down a bad or wrong tradition he would bear the consequences of that wrong tradition and the burden of those who would follow that wrong tradition”.

Their actions result in hardship and suspicion, towards anyone who is a Muslim or appears to be a Muslim, when they are travelling abroad for their legitimate needs. Evil acts such as this fill Muslims with shame and embarrassment, and take away their pride.

Their actions have brought hardship and undue delays to general public in their travel and business, imposes huge extra costs in the name of security. This is against the Islamic principle of Public Interest, which is about creating a conducive environment for the public benefit and removing harm or harmful impediments.

They also create a totally false picture of Islam and its teachings, which were sent to guide people to their Creator. I have been involved in arguments with people asking why the Quran incites violence and community disintegration. The curiosity of such people stopped short of wanting to know what Islam is actually about.

Islamic principles, regarding wars and battles are clearly defined in the Quran, are utterly humane and cannot be changed or cancelled for any reason or in any circumstance.

Muslims should, anywhere in the world, be on their guard from the evils and consequences of evil acts within their community. It does more harm to them then to anyone else. They should take great pride in the solemn teachings of their religion and the high character of their prophet which the Quran has so highly recommended to us to follow.

Islam brings security and protection from any harmful acts to the human community. We hope that the Muslim community in this country would take stock of their Islamic values, introducing these same values to others, and becoming better citizens themselves in the process.

No doubt, people have grievances and many quite legitimate. We need to adopt right approach to bring about a solution and not to exacerbate the problems.

I would like to mention a saying of the prophet at the end of this blog. He said: “I have brought you with the religion of One God(haneefiyah), the most tolerant (with no place of violence in it) and white (clearer), its night is as clear as its day, none would deviate from it but he would be doomed”.