Monday, 26 October 2009

...not of any values

It mattered little to me, that Nick Griffin was allowed to appear on the BBC’s flagship programme ‘Question Time.’ I was curious, indeed eager, to know what he would say, given such a public platform, and what the publics’ reaction to him would be. Far right and extremist organisations, which reject any united vision for humanity, refusing to share with others what is not theirs, and possessing little common sense and violent tendencies toward those they perceive as not of their tribe and colour, have rarely succeeded in the world of politics. Unfortunately, in today’s world, in many societies and cultures, we encounter rejectionists, seeking to disseminate their isolationist and divisive political visions, and who reject those they regard as ’different’ or ‘others’, from their midst.

Mr. Griffin and his party talk every day, employing the most slanderous language, about Islam and the Muslims. I wonder just how much of the Quran he has read to feel qualified to make such vicious attacks on its teachings. I am glad that his claim of representing this country, as a Christian, has been rejected by Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, who rightly saw that there was nothing of Christian values in his claims. A far greater commonality exists between Islam and Christianity, as far as human values and common visions are concerned, than between Christianity and the far right organisations.

BNP and its allied organisations in Europe, and similar groups, who are uniting against Islam or Muslims, appear unable to believe or understand Western values in terms of human rights, freedom of speech and respect towards all people. Moreover, they seem to be completely ignorant of, or oblivious to, Islamic Values, and what Islam has shared with the world in the past and is willing and able to share in the future. Perpetuating their slanders, vicious lies and misgivings, serve no human values anywhere in the world and have no place in any enlightened civilisation.

Mr. Griffin must understand, if he wants to be regarded as a responsible politician, that while for him and his Party it may only be political game to gain more seats, for the Muslim community and those of other creeds and colour, it is their everyday lives that are affected when their faith and religious teachings that are constantly demonised by them and their European allies.

Such far right politics create generally two types of reaction. The first:all fair-minded and far sighted people regard them as not providing the right future for this country and for its people, making them determined to reject such a future and such politics. Second: that a section of the population will violently target people of different race or colour, in particular Muslims,fomenting an environment of fear and hate, the politics of the gutter and division throughout the country, last seen in this country in the Mosley Era, prior to the Second World War.

Could a common ground of understanding be possibly created with those who would play politics with the human race, human values and human future? Many people would probably say no;because the politics of hate,the deliberate denigration of another faith and cultural values and rejection of ‘others’ do not give one a united vision for human society. However, if a common understanding cannot be created with such a demonic philosophy, common sense and impact of democratic values, must and will prevail.