Monday, 30 November 2015

The servants of the Most Merciful – A Quranic perspective

The ever widening gulf and increasing distrust in the relationships between Muslims and the rest of the world, together with considerable confusion about the interpretations of the teachings of Islam, are the causes for great concern for many people. A question that I have been asked quite a few times is; How could I define a Muslim? Others have also asked me a very blunt question; What is the Quran all about?

The current political conflict has seemingly created an adverse image in the minds of people who, for one or more reasons, have misgivings about Islam, or are unaware of the beautiful guidance written in the Quran. Indeed the Quran is regarded by some as a 'user manual' for justifying misbehaviour and even the very worst and most evil acts of violence and extremism.

The following verses from the Sura al-Furqaan are beautiful descriptions of a ‘Servant of Allah’ (Muslim); one who is truly dedicated to the good teachings of the Quran and faithfully follows that guidance to achieve spiritual and physical salvation. These verses came to my mind in the backdrop where jingoistic and threatening talk is overtaking all religious debate. I made them the topic of my sermon last week and hope that at least a few of those listening will take time to reflect on these verses, to learn what being a good Muslim is all about and what these Quranic teachings tell us.

The descriptions start as follows:

“And the (true) servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk on the earth gently and when the foolish ones address them, they simply say: Peace to you”.

What personal characteristics then should a Muslim show? He must demonstrate gentleness in all his actions and reactions. If he is confronted by an unhelpful situation or with foolish talk, instead of descending to that level and responding, he makes his own way. He is ever mindful of being a servant of Allah and never a servant to Satan’s cause.

It is also worth noticing that the descriptions start with an indication of the necessary personal character and mindset.

In any society, the above type of confrontation is all too often the starting point for any conflict and animosity and can quickly become the root cause of the destruction of peace and the removal of Allah’s blessings. In the Surah al-A`raaf, where Allah mentions Moses and his choice of seventy men chosen for an appointment with the Lord, he prayed out to Him after a violent shaking seized them saying: “Had you willed, O my Lord, you could have destroyed them and me long ago. Will you destroy us for the misdeeds of the fools amongst us?” V155

The Quranic descriptions go further saying: “Who spends the night prostrating themselves before their Lord, and standing, who entreat our Lord: “ward off from us the chastisement of Hell, for its chastisement is one that clings, verily it is a wretched abode and resting place”.

These disclosures show the sheer humility that must fill a true Muslim’s heart and the degree of fear we should feel for the consequences of our deeds.

The Quran further describes them saying:

 “They are those who are neither extravagant nor niggardly in their spending but they keep between the two”.

“Who invoke no other deity along with Allah, nor take any life which Allah has forbidden, save justly, and who do not commit adultery, and whosoever does that shall meet its penalty”.

“His torment shall be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection and he will abide in it in ignominy, unless he repents and believes and does righteous works. For such Allah changes their evil deeds into good deeds, Allah is ever Forgiving Most Compassionate”.

The above verses highlight certain important ways in which a Muslim should believe and act. A true Servant of Allah avoids all kind of venue where someone associates any other deity with Allah. He alone is to be worshiped and to be obeyed in all aspects of this life. Allah is the only source of all guidance and, before we do anything in His Name, we need to be certain that it is the case. 

Otherwise, our misinterpretations would be regarded as an act of associating a teaching with Allah that is not meant to be, with its inevitable consequences.

Also the Quran describes a servant of Allah as one who does not take away the life of a person unjustly (meaning only by the way of legal retribution in case of premeditated murder). Life is a sacred right in Islam and one of the five essential rights that Islamic Shariah law must always seek to protect. It is an unforgivable sin to take a life unjustly. Those who attempt to justify brutally taking the lives of the innocent cannot regard themselves as ‘Servants of Allah’.

Similarly, 'Servants of Allah' do not commit adultery or fornication or seek illegal ways to indulge in sexual intercourse. A Muslim should always take the right measures to ensure he can afford  to be properly married. Respecting both women’s dignity and their own is the best path to follow. It also secures the rightful lineage and enhances the sense of responsibility towards each other’s rights.

The Quran further describes the true servants of Allah as “Those who do not bear witness to any falsehood and who, when they pass by frivolity, pass it by with dignity”.

Falsehood is a sister quality of lies and slander, in which many people become involved, without realising how they assassinate the dignity of a person and the honour of his life. In addition they show no fear of the consequences of their actions or of God’s vengeance on them. Islam develops a person’s character, resulting in a dignified soul, but, any attempt to falsify a truth is taking the side of Satan and his Devil’s work. Islam guides us to shun any act of falsehood and if we happen to pass by a frivolous situation, to pass it by with dignity and not become part of it.

Then the Quran further mentions another trait of those servants of the Most Merciful and says: “When they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord, they do not come at them deaf and blind”.

Yes, arrogance blinds a person’s ability to discern and disables his heart’s function to take the sensible path which is, in this case, the path of God. Reflecting on eternal wisdom and God’s revelations to humankind creates humility and makes people think of their own destiny and consequences of their actions.

The Quran then concludes the descriptions of those servants by saying “And those who pray: Our Lord! Grant us that our spouses and our offspring be a joy to our eyes and make us the leaders of the God-fearing”.

Looking after the spiritual welfare of one’s family and bringing up our children in a most sensible and spiritual environment is part of one’s commitments to God and are very rewarding deeds. They are the means of God’s rewards and carry high rank in His Sight. Neglecting the welfare of wives and children is not tolerable in the character of Godly people.

Life, generally, when lived in accordance to the guidance and teachings of Allah, becomes a great source of blessings and most rewarding in all its aspects. It will not and should not cause harm to oneself or to any other being. Blessings have to be felt.

The Quran mentions the rewards of being among the true Servants of the Most Merciful in this verse saying: “They are the ones who shall be rewarded for their patience, lofty palaces will be granted to them and they will be received with greeting and salutation. Therein they shall abide for ever, how good an abode and how good a resting place”.

The Quran gave us the descriptions, in detail, of Allah’s true servants, who submit themselves to Him wholeheartedly and create a beautiful life. Who will prove to the world that Allah is Most Merciful and His teachings are a mercy for the world?   

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Paris - not again!

The bombshell that was the news of the appalling Paris bombing was perhaps even more shocking than the bombing itself, in that it was targeted solely and deliberately at innocent members of the public.  Once again an atrocious act of barbarity was claimed to be in the name of Islam, indeed, the action was accompanied by shouts of 'Allah o akbar' (God is the greatest), thus adding further offence to all innocent Muslims.  Shocked and condemnatory reactions have, rightly, been expressed by a host of Muslim personalities, mosques and Islamic institutes against the madness demonstrated by actions of those who committed these murders and destroyed the lives of so many innocent people, and against the people who were behind them. 

My own reaction was one of profound shock and disbelief at the news of this heinous act. That people who had lived among us could betray our trust and go so far against all the written teachings of good citizenship and mutual coexistence, beggars belief.

That these actions are absolutely contrary to Islamic guidance, beliefs, ethical foundations, and the bravery of the Muslim character, while obvious, still needs to be stressed. Acts of terrorism such as these are cowardly, treacherous, unjustifiable by any measure, totally un-Islamic in nature and the deluded individuals who commit such acts and carry them out in the collective name of Islam and Muslims, contribute only to the aims of those who seek to destroy Islam.

In my opinion, all Muslim nations and peoples should not only be openly and unambiguously condemning the criminals who committed this act, but must, by any means at their disposal, proactively counteract the extreme propaganda that is invading the minds of children and adults alike.  The consequences of this propaganda are disastrous for the image of Islam and wellbeing of the Muslim community world-wide. 

Leaders of the Muslim community, organisations and Islamic institutions must immediately join together and find a way to tackle  and destroy this ever growing menace that is tearing the Muslim community apart, creating distrust between the Muslim and non Muslim communities and making Islam the object of mockery and hate.

Should Muslims become the fifth column that seeks to tear down world communities? Is that what we want? Is that what our Islamic teachings are about? We need to reflect deeply on these questions and search our hearts and minds as to where our place should be among the nations of the world.

We have been taught that Islam is guidance and mercy for the world. Islam is peace and submission to God in humility and serenity.  Where then is there any place for violent acts such as these that have entered Islam in the name of jihad but leave Islam bleeding away?  Allah's name has no place in these violent claims. Allah is Most Compassionate and Most Merciful. This is what we recite every time we say ‘Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem’.

Khilafah, as proclaimed by some groups, contains only politics and is now being played out by undeserving incompetent people who embrace only vengeance and violence and are totally void of any true sense of Islamic mercy and kindness.

Politics and religion have, very conveniently, become intertwined in the minds of groups of people with a mindset that is far more interested in destruction and pillage than a desire to serve humanity for the sake of God. These same politics of vengeance and pure retribution will never be of any benefit to Islam nor are they in the best interests of Islam.

The very fabric of Muslim society is being torn apart, and Islam is now seen, even by many Muslims , as problematic, hindering human development, unproductive  and possessing little goodness. This must NOT be allowed to continue. Islam is progressive, it can open up human intelligence and it has and still can, win the hearts and minds of people by its simple and logical teachings, and provide a guide for all in their daily lives.

I am a proud Muslim and I firmly believe that the politics of vengeance and murder does not stem from the merciful teachings of Islam. Yes, we do have grievances and the world must help us to sort out those grievances. The world must listen and the rulers must pay attention – but employing violent politics is not the answer.

Muslim communities here in the West are part of the fabric of that society. While they can maintain the distinct nature of their religious characters they should be vigilant against all those who would commit any kind of criminal act that is treacherous and flies against the teachings of Islam. They should look to a future that is bright for everyone and be prepared to peacefully share it with their neighbours and countrymen.

Islam came as an emancipating power for humanity from the darkness of cruelty, violence, ignorance and suppression, to a world which is ruled by law, trust, peace and kindness, and knowledge.

Whether in New York, Paris or any other place, Islam should be seen as possessing the most outstanding teachings and be the brightest religion, willing and eager to help and protect the rights of all people.

Violence must not be committed in the name of Allah or in the name of His teachings. Beheading demonstrates the utmost cruelty and to do it playfully is a symptom of a sickness of the worst kind. A violent mentality has been created that seems to have overtaken any political logic. Sadly it seems that the Islamic education of many these days was not based on love and submission to God but based on hatred, fear and revenge.

It says in the Quran: ‘There is not much goodness in most of their private talks except for those who enjoins charity, or good deeds or setting the affairs of people right. And whoever does that seeking the pleasure of Allah We shall grant him great rewards’. S4 V114

It also says in the Sura Al-Asr: ‘By the time, man is in a state of loss, except for those who have faith, do righteous deeds, counsel each other to hold onto truth and counsel each other to be steadfast’.

Yes, in the chaotic world of politics these days, it is difficult to see the truth and to practice it and it is even more difficult to remain steadfast in the face of adversity.  Contained in Surah Al-Asr is the gist of the main message of the Quran to men and once read, understood and reflected upon becomes a source of guidance, peace and righteous deeds. We need to learn to work calmly, with foresight and in cooperation with all others. The alternative can only be chaos and hatred from the whole world towards us.  

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Lies and their consequences

In a famous hadith, our Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon him, says: “There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he lies, when he promises he does not fulfil it, and when he is trusted he betrays.”

Human society is made up of people possessing many different character traits. However, what everyone should appreciate in a person is truthfulness and an abhorrence for lies. Indeed, the speaking of the truth and the telling of lies are two opposing traits by which a person's character and state of mind may be judged.

Truthfulness builds a person’s integrity, strengthens his spiritual wellbeing, grants him high social acceptance and trustworthiness and will be rewarded by Allah, both in this world and in the Hereafter.

Lying is the sign of a serious defect in a person's character. Falsehoods and lies contain no spirituality and have no place in the Sight of Allah. Those who perpetrate them build a corrupt world around themselves, only acceptable to people of a similar nature, and will come to realise how shallow and false their lives and social status are.

Telling lies is one of the cardinal sins in Islam. Sadly, many people pay scant attention to the lies they have uttered to serve their immediate ends, but later attempt to justify their actions by quoting a higher purpose. But, lies in all their forms can destroy the lives of other people. They tarnish the integrity of others and can ruin their characters. Lies are the mother of all injustice and many wrongdoings are committed as a result of them.

Whether a lie is large or small, black or white, it is not allowed, no matter what purpose it is intended to serve. In a hadith, when the Prophet was asked by his wife, ummul mumineen Ayesha, may Allah be pleased with her, saying: “O Messenger of Allah! If a woman desires for something but says she doesn’t, would that be counted as a lie?” The Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him said: “Lies are recorded and if that is a petty lie that would be recorded as a petty lie,”

This tells us that all lies, big or small, are recorded and will affect the integrity of a person, both in the sight of Allah and in that of his peers. If petty lies continue to accumulate they symbolise a hypocritical way of life and may result in the removal of blessings and happiness from a person's life.

In another hadith, the Prophet Mohammad elaborates this point with a more precise wording. He says: “Leave what is doubtful to what is not. Because truth is the (complete) state of happiness and lie is doubtfulness’.

Uttering lies, therefore, creates a false and doubtful personality whereby the liar, inevitably, can never achieve a blissful life but will bear the effects of his lies in his daily life.

When it comes to a person who is a believer in Allah, his belief (imaan) should never allow a lie if his belief is true. The Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, said when he was asked: “Would a believer be coward?” He replied: “Yes.” Then he was asked: “Would a believer be a miser?” He replied: “Yes.” But, when he was asked: “Would a believer be a liar?” He replied saying: “No.”

Therefore it is totally unacceptable for a true believer to lie. Telling lies repeatedly leads to further falsehoods, fabrication and false witness. These, in their turn, will stunt the spiritual development of a believer and here we further see why they are called 'the mother of all wrongdoing'.

The Quranic guidance leaves no doubt as to the importance of being truthful. It says in Sura 9 V119: “O believers! Have the fear of Allah and be among those who are truthful.”

Both truth and lies affect the life of a person in both worlds and whether it will be rewarding or chastising depends on which path a person chooses.

In another hadith, the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, says: 'Truth leads to righteousness (righteous character) and righteousness leads to Paradise. A person pursues truth (in his life) till he was recorded with Allah as a truthful person, (but) lies lead to unrighteous character and hence unrighteousness leads to Hell. A person pursues lies (in his life) till he is recorded with Allah as liar.”  

Lies are accountable by Allah and no amount of ‘noble’ purposes' can ever justify a lie. But, in the greater purpose of Allah's scheme for his creation and in the competition of this life people don’t hesitate to lie or bear false witness because that is what ‘Iblis’ or Shaytan promised to Allah. A lie is spoken even when the truth is unintentionally missed.

In another hadith the Prophet says: “It is enough a lie for a man to narrate (or speak about) everything he hears’.  People need to seek out for truth and verify it before they speak. Unfortunately, lies have become part of a repertoire of clever tricks employed by many people and are now seen as a necessary skill by which they may advance their development, rather than resorting to the truth. Sadly, and increasingly, we observe that even so called practising people of faith are twisting their words and becoming part of this false world.

Any person with any sense of integrity and accountability to Allah will choose to be truthful. Lies can never be part of His life as they have no place in the spheres of spiritual development or proximity to Paradise.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Islam – politics or spirituality

Islam has become so politicised now that the original and sublime purpose of its original message, designed to raise humanity from the abyss of darkness into which it had fallen, and to which it now returns, has been lost to many people. Any sense of righteousness or spirituality is increasingly difficult to detect in any of the actions of the many people who continue to claim that they serve Islam. Indeed, many so called scholars seem to be driven more by their political and personal agendas than by any sense of duty towards Islam.

It has become increasingly apparent that many of those who convert to Islam do so solely for political reasons, wishing only to join those organisations who actively ferment turmoil and conflict amongst the Muslims, rather than embracing the Spirit of Islam and taking the opportunity to become a decent human being and become part of a positive force for good. We have also noticed that, even in our local area, some of those who entered the fold of Islam have created dichotomy among the local people, deliberately destroyed community cohesion, set themselves up as teachers of Islam and joined the same groups who continue to spearhead the politicalisation of Islam.

There is a recognised euphoria, or 'wow factor', which affects all those who revert to Islam, and many who do so become mesmerised by it, to the point where they believe that they have become the teachers and not the pupils. We, in turn, in our excitement at the conversion, lose sight of their possible intentions, and fail to distinguish whether it was for political or other reasons.  

Most of the upheavals in the Muslim community could be resolved if a positive Islamic approach is taken based on the revelations of the Quran.

The present lack of leadership in the Muslim community must be at the top of the list of our concerns. This includes not only political leadership, but religious leadership, social leadership, intellectual leadership and any other form of leadership. What little leadership there is seems to be based on individual personalities who present their own form of Islamic understanding and are unwilling to share any space with others or to recognise or accept any differences in orientation of their personal ideologies.

When Allah the Almighty chose the Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon him, as his final prophet and the spiritual leader of the people, He proclaimed in the Quran saying: ‘”And you are, O Mohammad, on the pinnacle of the greatest characters”.  However, does anyone think about this now when they take on the role of leadership, and on what contribution they may offer to minimise the effects of continual conflicts on the Muslim Ummah.

In a hadith of the Prophet ,narrated by Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, a Bedouin asked the Prophet saying: “When is the Hour”? He replied: “When the trust is neglected then wait for the Hour”.  The Bedouin then asked: “How would the trust be neglected”? He replied: “When the responsibility of affairs is given to those undeserving then wait for the Hour”.

This trust is a general term applied to all sense of rights, responsibilities, coupled with a sense of accountability. Its importance is apparent from the two verses below from the Quran.

First it says in the surah 2: “Allah commands you to deliver the trust back to those to whom it belongs”.

Secondly it says in the surah 33: “We presented the Trust unto the heavens, the earth and the mountains but they all feared (to deliver it) but man took it upon him. Indeed he was most unfair and most ignorant”.

This is what exactly is happening with the present Muslim leadership. They have taken the trust upon themselves but are patently unable to deliver it and their actions have resulted in conflict and dichotomy among the followers of Islam and installed a fear of Islam in the rest of the human population.

We ignore at our peril the teaching of our Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, who said of the responsible leadership: “Bring ease upon people and do not create hardship, deliver the glad tidings and do not make people run away from you”. This guidance highlights the role that leadership must play in all fields of human behaviour without compromising the essence of the purpose of Islam.

Islam, according to the Quran, is mercy to the world and the Quran says: “O Mohammad, We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds”. We need to explore the meaning and sense of this mercy and to what extent it is applied in Allah’s purpose of guidance.

The teaching and guidance of Islam shows us what is possible and indicates the best traits in human character, so that those of us who fail to reach them can benefit from this guidance and improve the quality of our lives. Islam has never caused, neither are its teachings meant to cause, any regressive effect on human life. A good character creates and increases the quality of our lives.

The best character is acquired by the continual practice of Islamic guidance. It is encouraged to the point that the Prophet Mohammad said: “There is nothing heavier in the scale of a believer on the Day of Judgement than the best character, and Allah dislikes the abhorrent and indecent one”.

The Prophet also said: “Of the perfect believers are those who are the best in their characters and good manners, and the best among you are those who are best to their wives”.

This hadith excludes any potential for domestic violence if the person is a believer in Allah. Yes, domestic violence is rife in the world today, regardless of the boundaries of religion and culture, but what stops, or should stop, a Muslim from perpetrating domestic violence towards their loved ones is their imaan or belief in Allah. The two cannot go together in Islamic teaching. Indeed there is no place for any kind of violence in Islam as there is accountability for all our actions, in particular where they concern human rights.

Islam educates people in good manners and in the best ways by which we may achieve harmony in our lives, but Muslims need to reflect upon what matters most to us in respect of our religion. While peace and surrender to Allah should be at the forefront of our reflections, we must also consider what Islam means to the rest of the world and on its wider ramifications on people’s lives. We should celebrate Islam and its teachings by adopting its guidance for human development and goodness in human society and in our personal life.