Man has craved and sought after
happiness ever since his existence was decreed by his Creator, but reaching
this goal has proven to be extremely elusive. Like a mirage, just when a person
thinks that he has found the serenity and perfect conditions for the most
peaceful and happiest of lives, it disappears. Indeed, on the surface, it would
appear that no one has ever reached that perfect point in his life nor been
blessed with complete happiness. People continue to be miserable, struggling
and embracing any idea, creed, cultural colour or social service in order to
find anything that will arouse this much desired satisfaction in their hearts.
Many people embrace a religious
belief in order to make sense of their lives and to generate happier conditions
for them. Others reject all religious beliefs and take things as they come,
refusing to accept that achieving happiness has any connection to anything
beyond this physical world. Some take to nature and search for happiness and
inner peace whilst wandering through jungles, caves, rivers and deserts. A few
try to find an inner happiness by engaging in services to the poor, destitute
and needy, but even the wealthiest in this world seem to be unsatisfied with
their condition and find themselves unable to buy happiness.
And so the search for inner peace
and happiness goes on and on….
Islam, with its teachings from the
One who is the creator of all and everything and Who is Most Compassionate and
Most merciful, provides a solution whereby humanity may achieve peace and
happiness in their lives.
The Quran mentions three concepts, which,
when combined, create this perfect situation. These three concepts are 1-
As-Salaam, 2- at-Tumaninah, and 3- As-Sakeenah.
The first, As-Salaam, literally
translates as The Peace. As-Salaam is one of the beautiful names of Allah, the
Almighty. It indicates that not only is God the source of peace but that He is
also the means and destiny of peace. Our connection to Him matters above
everything. Looking for God is equivalent to looking for peace.
As-Salaam is the root word for
another terminology which is Islam, meaning submission to God in all our
actions and deeds. Even our thoughts and intentions must be in total conformity
and this act of total submission to the One Al-Salaam is our only guarantee for
creating the perfect situation for inner peace in our hearts and minds. The
seekers of this Path are called Muslims. Unfortunately, this does not
necessarily mean that every person who is called Muslim is by definition a
follower of that path.
More often than not, Muslims become
distorters of the Path and try to look for peace from an exactly opposite
direction. On that the Quran says: ‘indeed, the true religion with Allah is
Islam’. S3 V19. It means the path that causes the real inner peace and the way
to it is submission to God, from whom all peace emanates.
The second concept is at-Tumaninah, which can
be translated into English as tranquillity and repose. These qualities are what
we most often look for in our lives. Few, if any, of us seem to find them and
so we look for them in the rhythms of nature or in the songs of life. Everyone
seems to be trying to escape to a quieter place or to where no other human
lives. So, where does this At-Tumaninah exist and how can it affect our hearts?
The Quran says: ‘Such are the ones
who believe and whose hearts find rest (tranquillity) in the remembrance of
Allah. Surely in Allah’s remembrance do hearts find rest (tranquillity). So
those who believe and do good are destined for happiness and a blissful end’.
S13 V28-29
God is the ultimate destination in
man’s life. If one seeks Allah’s Pleasure in everything that he does, then that
is the path to true happiness that will last throughout his life, death and
resurrection in the Hereafter. But how does that happen? Islam guides man to
many means to achieve that. In a Hadith of the Prophet, Peace and Mercy of
Allah be upon him, said: ‘O people! Spread peace, feed people, join relations,
offer prayers while others are asleep, you will enter the Paradise (Jannah) in
Peace’. Narrated by Ahmad, Thirmidhi and al-Hakim.
The third concept is As-Sakeenah,
mentioned six times in the Quran. This is the state of tranquillity, repose,
poise and dignified appearance that translates from the heart to the whole
being of a man. It removes all fear and its causes in life from the hearts and
minds of people. It cures any state of depression and tension. It places a
complete trust in Allah. Many Islamic scholars, in their times of worry, used
to recite the six verses of As-Sakeenah from the Quran.
The Quran says: ‘Surely the friends
of Allah have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve, the ones who believe and
are God-fearing’. S10 V61-62
The Quran emphasises, time and time
again, that people will not be subjected to fear or grief if they follow these
paths to peace.
We humans, by our very nature, will
always find ourselves looking for something better and more meaningful in our
lives. Something that makes sense to us, brings serenity to our lives and calms
our hearts. Something that will help us navigate securely through the very
troublesome affairs of this life.
Islam’s concept and guidance towards peace and
happiness is of an eternal nature, transcending all that occurs in this life
and death and includes the life to come. It is a complete package, connected in
its scope, purpose and destiny to the One God who implores us to walk on His
Path and enter His Garden of Peace, the Paradise.