Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Sri Lanka and the mass murder of innocent people

Once again the Muslim community, barely out of shock over the murderous New Zealand tragedy, is confronted by an even worse atrocity, this time committed by its own members. The community feels exhausted and increasingly more vulnerable as this vicious cycle of violence and hatred continues to take place, in its name, all over the world. Both murderous acts targeted worshippers in mosques and churches when both communities were getting ready for special congregational worship.

Based on information that has and is being published and circulated about this latest atrocity, it would appear that a hate mongering preacher was allowed to preach and build a militant group for many years under the noses of Sri Lankan security agencies. These same authorities even had information of an imminent attack two weeks prior to this catastrophe but failed to act on it.

Such murderous acts are never allowed by any religion and most certainly not in the name of God. Those who profess to be practising Muslims, run a congregation in the name of Islam but still commit such acts, are guilty of an unforgivable abomination that is condemned in the strongest manner in the teachings of Islam.

We live in a time where there is already so much misinformation about Islam and its teachings. Such acts tend to confirm much of this misinformation in the minds of many, but serve only to perpetuate their entrenched bigoted attitudes. What has anyone actually gained from this violent and murderous act? How it is justified to kill and maim so many innocent people gathered to worship in churches? Where is the guidance of Islam? Have the perpetrators served any purpose within the framework of service to Islam? Have they become martyrs?  

Islamic guidance towards the saving of life tells us that the rewards for it are immeasurable. The Quran guided us by saying: ‘…that he who slays a soul unless it be (in punishment) for murder or for spreading mischief on earth shall be as if he had slain all mankind; and he who saves a life shall be as if he had given life to all mankind. S5 V32

The Prophet of Islam, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, reminded people in his last sermons about the sacredness of life and that any violation is forbidden upon Muslims.

Life is indeed one of five essential human rights that Islamic Shariah (Law) was revealed to protect. But we make it look so cheap and easy to take it away. Islam does not allow any violation of the right to human life. Islam builds ‘Haraman Aaminan - protected sanctuary for people’s lives.

People who claim to serve God, by taking on a religious or leadership position, should be mindful that their acts of wrongdoing, especially murder and pillage, are far more heinous in the Sight of Allah than that of those who are not in any religious leadership position.

Since the Afghanistan war started in late 70s, hundreds of thousands of Muslim youths and members of communities have been radicalised and have been and are still being used to destroy their own communities everywhere. Country after country has been destroyed; cities and towns erased from the earth. Muslims are living in appalling conditions as refugees outside their own countries. So much blood has been shed.

Who is responsible for all the losses that we have impacted upon ourselves? Why don’t we snatch a moment of serenity and reflection and go through a process of self accountability? We seem to have become our own biggest enemies and have set ourselves in self destruction mode. Islam taught humanity the principles of civility and created a civilisation where human beings were to be a valued commodity. The Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, taught us saying: ‘the disappearance of earth is a lighter sin in the Sight of God than shedding the blood of a Muslim for no right’. In another  hadith, the Prophet said: ‘the destruction of K`abah, brick by brick, is lighter in the Sight of Allah than shedding the blood of a Muslim’.  This applies to all people whose lives are sanctified by Allah.

We Muslims are meant to be the representatives of the sublime values of Islam, which encompass good character and human civility. Allah says in the Quran that ‘Allah has the highest example’. Our honour is that we honour the teachings and guidance of Allah and not be the ones who dishonour it and make Muslims and non-Muslims a cheap commodity.

We need leadership that respects the guiding principles of Islam and will strive to rebuild civilised values. Failure will result in Islam losing its place in the world and we, the Muslims, will bear the responsibility!