Sunday, 19 July 2009

What do we really know about Islam???

That was the title of a talk that I was given an opportunity to speak about at a recent sixthform RE conference at the Bath Spa University.

In a world where there are so many conflicting sources about Islam, dubious and doubtful in many cases, it is hard to determine what we really know about Islam?

Islam is, no doubt, a hot topic, in public and private occasions. It has over one and half billion followers all over the world, who come from all races, colours and social backgrounds.

It is true that we most often misunderstand Islam these days because of the misunderstanding of Muslims themselves of the Islamic teachings and its eternal values. But it is also true that thousands of books and articles that are deliberately written to mislead or misguide the masses about Islam are playing crucial roles in perpetuating the misgivings about Islam. People who buy and read such books and articles would only confirm their prejudice about Islam.

People very often ask me if I was happy in Islam and why do I follow it? People doubt if Islam had anything good to offer to the world?

I get confounded at this sort of queries from people. But then it deepens my resolve into engaging with people and talking to them about Islam. There is nothing more sublime in this world than understanding the purpose of one’s creation and strengthening the relationship with the Creator to whom all return.

This web blog is part of my efforts to engage with people and encourage them to come to what the Quran has described as ‘the common terms’ or ‘the common ground’.

Islam is described in the Quran as the ‘middle path’ or ‘the path that is straight’. The Muslim community is expected to be the ‘community of moderation or middle path, a balanced nation that is answerable in the Sight of God.

I will engage through these pages of my blog with both the Muslim community as well as non-Muslim communities in the West and the wider world, but most importantly in my local area of Bath and the South West of England.

I would invite people to read my blog and engage with issues that are affecting us all on a regular basis.

My writings would bring home the notion in its truest and simplest way ‘what do we really know about Islam’.

Islam in its greater meaning is the religion of community that is based on the universal divine concept of justice, fairness and conscience of God into people’s hearts. The Quran says: ‘and the Word of your Lord is accomplished in justice and truth’. (Chapter6 Verse115) And it also says: ‘and say (and do)good to people. (Chapter2 Verse83) Most importantly Islam politely but emphatically reminds us all that we all one day to stand in front of our Creator for accountability so we should be mindful of our actions.

So the theme of ‘what do we really know about Islam’ would endeavour to highlight these positive aspects so people can break the barriers of prejudice, ignorance and mistrust and work together to strengthen community and social cohesion and cooperate with each other in humanity for the good of humanity.

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