Monday, 25 July 2011

The Norwegian tragedy: A moment of reflection

The gruesome and murderous acts committed by the self declared xenophobic and right-wing Christian Anders Behring Breivik, 32, are no doubt a shocking tragedy for the people of Norway and rightly they have the support and sympathy of the whole world. Terrorism, in its most brutal form, was redefined by Breivik when he embarked on his premeditated rampage, slaughtering the young people of his small nation and justifying it with his extreme right wing beliefs. Indeed, it could suggest a future course for all far right organisations, who seek to display their frustration at their failure to demonstrate the rightness of their cause to the people of their countries.

Since 9/11, any such tragic incident, especially on this scale, raises two different kinds of initial reaction from Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Indeed, when the news broke, my first reaction was; Is it Muslim terrorism? Is any Muslim involved in it? Oh no! Not again. I hope there is no Muslim is involved!

The reaction of non-Muslims was set, as usual, by the Western media, where some of the early commentators and so-called media pundits speculated, saying that all the hallmarks indicated the involvement of Al-Qaeda, or some affiliated Islamic terrorist organisation. See the link:

Some earlier commentators, on BBC and other media outlets appeared very keen to know what colour the person was, or did his appearance indicate any connection with the Muslim community.!/ravisomaiya/status/94484706573299712

Other commentators mentioned the fact that there are a large number of Muslims living in Oslo, and that because of this Al-Qaeda must be involved. As a result of the reports by these commentators, now thankfully regarded as totally discredited, many non-Muslims, appeared to continue to think there was some sort of Islamist involvement, even though the perpetrator of this crime was quickly identified.

The New Statesman’s Laurie Penny tweeted: ‘I don't understand all the Islamophobia and finger-pointing on my Twitter feed. Wasn't the attacker a Christian fundamentalist? Who does this help’? Yes, but to some people the ranting must still about Islam and the Muslims.

However, some fair-minded people, like Dr Geoff Nash in Durham, tweeted. Saying: ‘In Britain the media rushed to judgment that this was the work of Muslim terrorists. We need to understand in the West that terrorism of this kind is a sickness of the modern world, not limited to the ethnic or religious 'other'. It is right here, within our own societies.’

There was, nonetheless, a reference to a Muslim connection. Anders hated Muslims and their religion. He glorified the ‘Knights Templar’, one of the most infamous of the early Western Christian military orders.

One can clearly identify all the symbolism of religious fervour and the spirit of the crusades in some of these so-called far right extreme organisations, who for obvious reasons are nothing to do with religion. However, with all these apparent ‘religious connections’ no one in the media, politics or faith leadership would call them ‘the holy crusaders’, or blame the religious community they proudly claim to belong to, or even find a connection between the ‘holy books’ they believe in, for their actions.

Anders Breivik allegedly had connections with other right wing organisations in Europe. He claimed that "Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom was the only "true" party of conservatives." "Breivik also praised the English Defence League profusely and called for the setting up of a Norwegian version of it."

He seemed to have detested multiculturalism and called it Marxist cultural-ism. He made a film about it, full of anti-Islamic ranting and nostalgia for the crusades, which is extremely disturbing to watch.

Indeed, Breivik seems to have mapped out a plan for an independent Europe, free from Muslims. Hitler of course made and practised similar plans against Jews, blacks and other non white races, and those who continue to believe in his Nazi ideology still wish to implement it. The misleading but powerful intentions outlined in Breivik’s declaration of ‘European independence’ could engulf everyone in a cycle of violence and murderous acts similar to those committed by him in Norway. If you want to read this declaration, here is the link:

However, the world is not completely full of madness. People of good conscience still dare to tell the truth, even in the media. The world, ever increasingly, is becoming a powerful arena and battle field for ideas and electronic media has made this battle faster and wilder. We can only hope that humanity continues to be on the side of good conscience, justice, fairness, human rights and human prosperity. We all need to develop rational themes for co-existence and sensible politics for all.

I recommend you to watch this Youtube link to RT which really augments good unbiased journalism.

1 comment:

  1. As-salaam-u-alakum, Thank you for writing about Norway Tragedy. We can only pray for the removal of evil wherever it come from.


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