Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Acts of goodness - the Islamic way

Islam is a guidance from Allah as to what is good and beneficial for mankind. Mankind is a creation of Allah and He guides us to what is ultimately good for our spiritual and physical existence. No aspect of the Islamic teachings is harmful or opposes anything that will benefit people in this life or in their life after death. That this is so may not be readily apparent, when one compares the results of political carnage and the havoc created by extremism, created in the name of Islam, with what is so obvious about Islam’s goodness and its beneficial message.

However, to start with, there is a beautiful verse in the Quran which describes Allah and good and their connectivity in the following manner: ‘Say O Allah! Lord of all dominion! You bestow dominion on whomever You please, and take away dominion from whomever You please, and You exalt whom You please and abase whom You please. In Your Hands is all good. Surely You are All-Powerful.’ S3 V26

In Allah’s Hands all is good and He is Merciful and compassionate. So, when He sends down a guidance for mankind it contains only that which will benefit us most and has no harmful elements. It is in this sense that the Quran describes the purpose of the mission of the prophet Mohammad, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, as merciful, saying: ‘We have sent you forth as nothing but mercy to people of the whole world’. S21 V107

Goodness is also what is required from human beings, as is described in a hadith in which the prophet Mohammad said: ‘The best among mankind in the Sight of Allah are those who are most beneficial to people’.

The essence of the character of a Muslim should be that his moral standing surmounts all and he is the kindest amongst the most kind. Unfortunately, people are slaves to their private desires and lustful thoughts and although they carry the label of Muslim they may not, in practice, conduct themselves as such.

In a hadith, the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, says: ‘indeed, for this goodness (Islam) there are treasures and for those treasures there are keys (openers). So blessed be a servant whom Allah has made him an opener for goodness and a source of closure for evil. And woe to a person whom Allah made him an opener for evil and a source of closure for goodness’.

This and many hadith like this are testimony to the fact that Islam directs mankind towards what is good and beneficial for all humanity. Muslims, in particular, should always be on their guard, to ensure they fall into the category of the ‘openers of goodness’ and not into the category of people that are ‘openers of evil’ and vile acts.

Islam’s teachings convey a unique message, a kind of ‘spiritual revolution’ that changes the way people act. It removes any ‘selfish motive’ from a person’s dealings with others. Islam does not teach us to deal with people in the same manner in which they deal with us. Islam institutes and encourages its followers to always behave with kindness and good manners. Islam issues its own principle and basis for dealing with others, saying: ‘The upper hand is better than the lower hand’. It also says: ‘Your smile in the face of your brother is an act of charity’. Further it says: ‘Compete in or take initiative to accomplish good deeds before seven kinds of situation affect you. (because) you are waiting for either a poverty that would cause you forgetfulness, or a richness that would divert you from the path of Allah, or an illness that would disable you from best performance, or an old age that would take away your best judgement ability, or a sudden death, or the time of Dajjal (the great deceiver) he is the worst absentee being awaited for, or the Final Hour which is most tricky and bitter one’. narrated by tirmidhi 

An act of goodness is the best human trait that a man can display, it pleases Allah, it pleases people and it brings happiness to the person who performed the act of goodness. What is more, an act of goodness connects a person with his creator as he fulfils His purpose for creating that life. The measure of our success, in our trials with both good and evil, is that we continue to choose the path of goodness, with a conscious mind and with the intention to seek the pleasure of Allah.

Allah says in the Quran: ‘Believers! Bow down and prostrate yourselves before Your Lord and serve Your Lord and do good that you may prosper’. S22 V77

Islam, according to many observers, has an image problem. This is, in my opinion, because Islam has been side tracked into becoming a political entity instead of remaining solely a religious guiding element in all ethical and moral issues.

It is only ‘acts of goodness’ that can correct human behaviour, but such acts can never be the subjects for human approval. Human approval, regrettably, carries with it the ability to twist the motive behind any act, according to personal desires or an interest in the results. An ‘act of goodness’ is always what Allah has commanded us to do and guided us as being good, even though we may not desire it. Conversely, an act of wrongdoing is what Allah has prohibited us from carrying out, even though we may desire it.

Allah says in the Quran: ‘It may well be that you dislike a thing even though it is good for you, and it may well be that you like a thing even though it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know’. S2 V216.

He also says: ‘Believers! Be upholders of justice and bearers of witness to truth for the Sake of Allah, even though it may be against yourselves or against your parents and kinsmen, or the rich or the poor, for Allah is more concerned with their wellbeing than you are. Do not, then, follow your own desires lest you keep away from justice. If you twist or turn away from the truth, know that Allah is well aware of all that you do’. S4 V135

In conclusion: the definition of good (al-Khair) cannot be based upon our own personal vision and personal judgement, as inevitably, this will alter from time to time in accordance with our own moods or self-interests. The definition of good lies solely with Allah, the creator of the heavens and the earth, who knows well what is best for the person in any situation or in the overall schemes of Allah for His creation. All that we need to do is to submit ourselves to the Will of Allah, both by committing to acts of goodness and by refraining from evil deeds. Only by acting in this manner will we prosper in both worlds.

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