Our hearts broke when, on three separate occasions we became aware
of, the savagery of the mindless, cowardly and murderous actions of the self-styled
jihadist who inflicted appalling pain and suffering on innocent people going about
their normal business. In Manchester, it became more poignant, when young
children and their families were targeted and brutally murdered and there were
also Muslims among the casualties. It became totally unbelievable when, on the
last attack, we saw three murderous and godless morons running over people with
a van and then cutting their victims down when they were off guard. Until
recently such appalling scenarios would have been unimaginable, as would the
thought that the barbaric ideas of those who plotted and carried them out
existed. I am distressed that such actions are regarded as the acts of true
Muslims. I dearly wish they hadn’t happened and that all those lives had not
been lost, destroyed by the actions of a few misguided individuals who had been
brainwashed into thinking they were promoting whatever misguided cause they
The violence perpetrated by Islamists (those who propagate a
violent scenario of an Islamic caliphate) has been damaging Islam’s humane and
compassionate teachings over many years, in trickles, resulting in what we now
see, pools of blood everywhere. As a consequence, few appear to recognise the
immense distress being experienced by Muslims who really care about the
beautiful religion of Islam. Indeed, the Muslim community appears to be in
complete disarray, broken and tired and finding difficulty with engaging with
their own faith.
Everyone should be made aware that Islam most certainly does not
preach violence. On the contrary, Islam provides antidotes to curb violence and
human urge to violence, but a minority of followers of Islam still seem to
regard violence as the only solution to all their problems. The Prophet of
Islam, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, warned us about such a situation
that would cause the destruction of the community, the Ummah, in a very
sobering hadith, which needs to be read and reread by all Muslims and their
leaders. It says:
‘Allah drew the earth for me and I saw its easts and its wests, and
the rules of my ummah would reach all those parts of the earth that was drawn
for me. I am also given the two treasures; red and white. And I asked my Lord
not to destroy my ummah through any sweeping famine and He accepted it. Then I
asked Him not to overwhelm them by setting upon them an enemy from outside and
He accepted my prayer (request). Then I asked Him not to set one group of
Muslims against others but He rejected that prayer. The Almighty Lord said: ‘O
Mohammed! When I make a decision it is not taken back. It is my promise to them
that I would not destroy them by any sweeping famine and I would not set upon
them an enemy other than from within themselves who would destroy themselves,
even if all the people of world come together against them. It is only them who
would destroy each other and it is only them who would take prisoners of each
Then the Prophet said: ‘ I fear on my ummah of misleading leaders.
And once a fighting starts in my ummah, it would never cease until the Day of
(This hadith is part of a longer hadith narrated in the book of
al-Mustadrak `alas Sahihain).
The two important points from the hadith are: firstly, that Muslims
would themselves be the tools for the destruction of their own community and
secondly, once the infighting started it would never cease until the Last Day.
This hadith carries a serious message to all who regard themselves as part of
the ummah.
Allah did not accept the
prayer or dua from the Prophet, that the Muslim community would not engage in
fighting against each other to the point of destruction, but should we accept
this as our destiny? Or should we take heed of Allah’s wrath from the warning
that He would let Muslims loose to destroy their own community? Allah has shown
us the Right Path and told us of the Path of prosperity and His Pleasure. Why
then do we continue to choose the path that mutilates Allah’s teachings, harms
the Muslim community’s general interest and makes the rest of humanity our
Islam taught us, right from the beginning, how to co-exist with
others. The Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, taught us how to
establish treaties and conventions with other people for a peaceful life.
Islamic teachings teach how to bring peace and harmony to all. Religious politics
have certainly won us no peace. We now speak only the language of violence and
destruction. Our youth is being constantly misled into believing that politics
is the right way to serve Allah and to restore to Islam its rightful place in
the world.
Our hearts must learn the language of humility and respect. We must
make ourselves aware of the consequences of our own actions. If our actions
destroy other’s lives, is that what Islam teaches us? Is that really going to
please Allah? We need to remind ourselves constantly what our obligations
towards Allah and towards other people are.
We, it seems, have become a people full of hate and revenge. We
don’t even know how to live with the differences amongst ourselves. We seem to
turn every aspect of our lives into a battlefield.
The Muslim community has to wake up and accept its responsibilities
and obligations. We must offer far more than just condemnation of violent and
murderous acts and we need to recognise the consequences if we do not take
action and exercise the self-restraint necessary to combat this violent
Islam teaches us to be compassionate even within an active battlefield
environment or war zone. The turmoil in the Muslim world has all but wiped out
that sense of compassion. Islam had laid down clear rules of engagement, which
include that no brutality be inflicted on any fallen person. But the mindless
among us follow only the commands of certain self-styled leaders and display no
regard for the broader and wiser teachings of Islam. These people would inflict
as much damage as they could, regardless of the fact that it violates Islamic
guidance. What is happening in the Muslim lands is heart-breaking and a
complete madness, but are our own people not causing that havoc with their
continuing murderous acts? Can they not foresee the inevitable and dire
consequences if this situation persists?
We sorely need to educate ourselves about Islamic guidance and its
sublime teachings if we want to return to prosperity and success. Allah says:
‘Do not, then, lose heart or grieve, for you shall surely gain the upper hand
if you are (true) believers’. S3 V139
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