Monday, 20 June 2016

Seeking forgiveness from Allah: A human devotion

Seeking forgiveness from Allah at all times is a devotional virtue in Islam, an act of Ibadah and we all fervently seek to benefit from its practise. From among the Names that Allah has chosen for Himself are: Al-Ghafur (All-Forgiving); Al-Ghaffar (Most and Oft forgiving) Al-`Afu (The Most Pardoning). Allah loves that His servants come to Him seeking forgiveness as this demonstrates a realisation of our wrongdoings and a belief that they can only be forgiven and excused by Allah and not anyone else.

Ramadan provides a very special time for such a realisation of our errors and self-accountability and generates a more general mood for humility and to come closer to Allah. This is why this blessed month is called the month of forgiveness (Shahrul Ghufran), hence the dua of Gabriel and the Ameen of the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, when Gabriel said: ‘O Muhammad! Whoever Ramadan has approached him and he was not forgiven, may Allah remove him (from His mercy) say Ameen and I said Ameen.

The purpose of life has been described in the Quran as follows: ‘He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is better in deed - He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving’. S67 V2

Goodness is what is expected of a man as it is obedience to Allah. When man commits wrongs or walks a path of error he is disobedient to Allah and goes against the expected outcomes for him. The realisation of wrongdoing and efforts to mend one's ways is called ‘tawbah’ or repentance. These are noble acts and befitting of a person who wants to be forgiven by Allah, be granted His mercy and who seeks to put his life back on track.

Remember the error of Adam when he was duped by the false promises of Satan (Iblees) to disobey Allah’s command and guidance? Adam repented to Allah, seeking forgiveness for his act of error, by praying: ‘Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves and if You do not forgive us and do not have mercy on us, we shall surely be among the losers.’ S7 V23

We continue to cry out to our Lord for our own wrongdoings and sinful acts. In a hadith the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, said: ‘All the children of Adam are wrongdoers (susceptible to wrongdoing), but the best among the wrongdoers are those who turn back to Allah in repentance’.
Wrongdoing is a basic human weakness. The Quran says: ‘mankind is created in weakness’. S4 V28.

However, what should not be a weakness is a failure to turn to Allah and seek forgiveness and pardon for our sins. Doing so does not lower a person's dignity nor his self-esteem, but rather strengthens him and make him wiser and more alert. The relationship between a person and Allah will be much stronger after he is cleansed by Him from accountability for his wrongdoing, inshaAllah.

Living without any blemish on one’s character is highly desirable and, no doubt, much sought after. As believers we believe that the sooner we are granted forgiveness from God and mend the error of our ways the better it is for us in terms of freedom from a guilty mind and accountability of our deeds. The lower the number of accountable deeds the more Allah’s mercy and forgiveness will be shown to us.

‘Istighfar’, or seeking forgiveness from Allah, is one of the most often emphasised subjects in a believers’ life. The Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet are full of its importance. Istighfar is a way back to Allah, no matter how great our sins. Allah forgives all when forgiveness is sought from Him through the right commitments.

Astagfirullah , meaning 'I seek your forgiveness' or 'pardon me O Allah', is the most famous phrase used for this purpose. Even the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, would seek forgiveness from Allah more than seventy times in a day, despite the fact that he had already been granted forgiveness from Allah for all his past and future shortcomings. This repeated seeking of forgiveness from Allah was, in the first place, to show its importance to his Ummah. It also demonstrates that we are all prone to making mistakes and that only Allah is the greatest and the Almighty. More than that, it is also a way to remember Allah, whether we do good or we commit wrongs in our lives. The Prophet also sought forgiveness to show his gratitude to Allah for what He had bestowed upon him. 

A beautiful dua was taught by the Prophet and was titled ‘sayyidul Istighfar’ or the leader of seeking forgiveness from Allah.  It says: ‘O Allah! You are my Lord, there is no deity worthy of worship except You. You have created me a servant and I am committed to my pledge and promise to You as much as I could. I seek refuge with You from the evil of my doings. I acknowledge Your favours upon me and I confess to my wrongdoings. So forgive me as it is only You who grants forgiveness’.

Seeking forgiveness creates happiness in life and mends the relationship between people and their Lord. Indeed, it causes the mercy of Allah to flow on the earth.

Allah the Almighty says in the Quran: ‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance whereupon He will grant you a fair enjoyment of life until an appointed term and will bestow favours on everyone who merits favour’. S11 V3

Prophet Hud said to his people:

‘My people! Ask your Lord for forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will shower abundant rains upon you from the heaven and will add strength to your strength. Do not turn away as those given to guilt’. S11 V52

Seeking forgiveness has many beautiful benefits for mankind as it also keeps at bay the adversity and sufferings in life. Allah says: ‘But Allah was not going to punish them while you (0 Muhammed) are in their midst; nor was Allah going to punish them while they seek His forgiveness’. S8 V33
As is evident from the forgoing verses, the seeking of forgiveness bestows blessings from Allah and His mercy.

While we are in Ramadan, we have a great opportunity to maximise the benefits available to us. Reflection on ones’ course in life and entering a process of repair and correction is what we all need to do. By doing so and submitting ourselves, in all humility, to Allah and seeking His forgiveness and pardon for all our wrongdoings, both large and small, we may be cleansed of them before becoming accountable for them. InshaAllah!

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