Monday, 26 September 2016

Life is a blessing from the Almighty, the Creator: do not waste it

Islam teaches us that life is beautiful and has been given to us for a sublime purpose. It also teaches us that, sometimes, the circumstances in which we find ourselves may make our existence appear ugly and unwanted. Yes, we will be afflicted by problems and suffering occasionally, making it difficult to survive or, indeed, to appreciate any purpose behind our lives. However, if we remain patient and grateful to God these sufferings will become blessings in disguise and life, once again, will become well worth living.

The Quran speaks of the sufferings caused to people in these words: ‘and We shall subject you to ill and good by way of trials’. S21 V35

Trials cause suffering and the only way out of them is to develop a purpose, a good and sublime purpose, in one's life. For a believer this means pleasing Allah the Almighty in all circumstances and provides a focus in life for those who don’t have one.

The Quran further elaborates this point by saying: ‘Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion of the Universe and Who has power over everything. Who created death and life that He might try you as to which of you is better in deed. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving’.

A life lived in goodness and in the pursuit of pleasing Allah with good deeds, makes suffering rewarding and more pleasurable than possessing all the wealth of this world. Islam lays down a path that makes people happier if they become true followers of Allah’s teachings. The Quran highlights this point by saying: ‘Such are the ones who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in Allah’s remembrance do hearts find rest’. S13 V28 

No situation remains permanent in life if people are willing to take the proper steps to change it. The Quran encourages us to seek change and make our lives better. It draws our attention to this fact by saying: ‘Verily Allah does not change a people’s condition unless they change their inner selves’. S13 V11

Indeed the Quran affirms that after any hardship there is always ease: ‘Indeed there is ease with hardship. Most certainly, there is ease with hardship’. S94 V5-6

Islam lays down a path for people that will engage them in goodness. A good deed brings rewards in this world as well as in the hereafter. It is motivating and fulfilling to do good and benefit oneself and others. A good deed is never wasted and is rewarded by Allah multi-fold. It also causes inner happiness in people, heightens satisfaction and removes greed, the cause of much of the trouble that plagues human life.

Let us have a look at a beautiful hadith that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, gave to us. He said: 'There is no deed that brings you closer to Paradise but I have commanded you to do it. Neither is there any deed that may take you closer to Hell but I have forbidden you from it. No one should see his provision slow in coming to him. Because Gabriel has revealed it in my heart that no one would leave this world until he has completed his provision. So Oh people fear God and take the good way to seek your provision. If anyone see his provision slow in coming, he must not then seek it through the acts of disobedience to Allah, as Allah’s Grace cannot be sought out through His disobedience’. 

The following Quranic verse confirms the positive impact of a good deed on a person's life. It says: ‘Whosoever acts righteously – whether a man or a woman – and embraces belief, We will surely grant him a good life; and will surely grant such persons their reward according to the best of their deeds’. S16 V97

‘A good life’, or rather the Quranic term ‘Hayaatan Tayyibatan’,  beautifully describes the life that we all want to live: a pure life, free of trouble, suffering, impurity and want.

To attain this ‘good life’ we are not asked to climb mountains, but rather to give of our very best throughout our lives. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him said: ‘Do not underestimate the worth of a goodness; be that meeting your brother with a welcoming face’.

In another hadith, the Prophet said: ‘Safeguard yourself from the hellfire, be that through a portion of a date. However, if a person is unable to find even that then be it through a ‘good word’.

In other hadiths even refraining from committing wrongdoing and evil deeds are described as acts of goodness. A person who is conscious of offering goodness to others will find multiple channels for doing good.  Life is full of such opportunities for people and it doesn’t take a lot to see that what we can offer will gain a good life for ourselves.

Life can only be valuable if we truly value it and change the focus of our own lives to make it worth living. If we fail to direct our life onto the correct path and accept that we will be tested, then we will have thrown it away and it will have become a wasteful thing that we don’t need.

Allah created life for goodness and for taking full advantage of any opportunity to do good in our lives.  Allah appreciates our goodness and rewards us for it. He sent down His prophet to remind us about the value of a good deed and said in the Quran: ‘Do good, for Allah loves those who do good’, S2 V195

Further it says in the Surah29 verse 69: ‘As far those who strive in Our cause, We shall surely guide them to Our ways. Indeed Allah is with those who do good’.

Goodness is rewarded both in this life and in the Hereafter. A person who commits an act of goodness can never be deprived of its benefits. Life provides the opportunity for doing good and earning rewards and laying it to waste is always the wrong decision for anyone. Wisdom dictates that life can only be beautiful if we make it so with beautiful deeds.

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