Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The excellence of the ten days in Dhul-Hijjah

The Muslim community is in preparation to celebrate one of its most important pillars of Islam; the Hajj, in this month of Dhul-hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. The first ten days of this month are of utmost excellence and highly recommended for spiritual activities and righteous deeds by the believers. They are only compared with the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan in importance. One has a night that is better than a thousand nights for spiritual dedication; while the other has a day, the day of Arafah, when Allah grants forgiveness for the past sins.

The Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, says: ‘there are no other days the righteous deed is so beloved to Allah than these days, (the ten days of Dhul-hijjah). The Companions said: O Messenger of Allah! Not even the jihad in the Path of Allah? The Prophet replied: ‘not even the jihad in the Path of Allah, unless a man went with his soul and wealth and did not come back with either of them.’ Narrated by Imam Bukhari

Islam is a religion of spiritual purification and a path that takes a servant closer to Allah. Islam provides for increased opportunities for devotion to Allah and for earning His rewards and high ranks. A time such as the ten days of the month of dhul-hijjah, just before the happening of one of its five pillars, demonstrates Allah’s mercy and His compassion for people.

As these days are prelude to hajj, one of the greatest displays of tawheed and Allah’s unparalleled sovereignty, it has heightened importance in the Sight of Allah. The importance of these ten days is highlighted as follow:

The Quran says: ‘By the dawn, and the ten nights’. In this verse Allah swears by the importance of the ten nights of these ten days and it only goes to show their significance.

These ten days are also called in the Quran as ‘appointed days’ in the verse 28 of the Surah Al-Hajj. The Quran says: ‘to witness the benefits in store for them, and pronounce the Name of Allah during the appointed days over the cattle that He has provided them. So eat of it and feed the distressed and the needy.’

Further these ten days have within themselves the ‘Day of Arafah’ the Day of hajj, which is the day of forgiveness and the greatest day of hajj and a day of freedom from the Fire.

These ten days also include within their fold the ‘Day of Sacrifice’  Yowm al-Nahr. In a hadith the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, says: ‘the greatest day with Allah is the Day of sacrifice, then the Day following it’.

We should also remember that the Day of Sacrifice is the Day of Eid, the Day the Muslim community, worldwide, celebrate the occasion.

The great scholar Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar says: the apparent reason for these ten days to be distinct among other days seems to be the convergence of essential Islamic obligation in one period of time when it is not so on other occasions; like prayers, fasting, hajj and charity’. Indeed so many pillars of Islam come together in this period and the opportunities for spiritual gains are multifarious.

The season provides opportunities for a believer to perform his Umrah and hajj, fast during the nine days of these ten days for those who are not performing hajj, and increased acts of devotion.

The occasion is one of the remembrance of Allah and pronouncing His greatness. In a hadith the Prophet, peace and mercy of Allah be upon him, says: ‘there are no greater days and the deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days. So increase in these days the pronouncement of ‘Tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed’.

Tahleel is to pronounce that there is no God worthy of worship than Allah.

Takbeer is to say Allah is the greatest. And the Tahmeed is to express gratitude to Allah.

Besides, a believer can read the Quran and learn its teachings. He may increase seeking forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance. He may increase acts of charities and avoid wrongdoing and resist evil acts. Performing what is good and keeping away from the ways of error is also commendable activities in this period.

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